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Beer Geeks (continued)

Inside, I found a small strip of coolers in the back of the story. The usual suspects adorned the shelves—domestic kingpins and imported Mafiosos. Nestled quietly between them, a KetteHouse Brewing Double Haul IPA. It was a half-arm’s reach into the cooler: Maybe someone should inform Joe’s Parkway to refill their Montana beer selection (and expand it while they’re at it). But I digress.


You might know KettleHouse Brewing for their ultra-popular Cold Smoke Scotch Ale. Double Haul doesn’t have the same complexity as the Cold Smoke (being on the lighter side of IPAs I have tried), but it does have some redeeming qualities. First, the beer has a creamy off-white foam with good retention. Double Haul has a grape and citrus aroma that is quite pleasant. Second, for those “lighter” beer drinkers out there, this is an IPA that won’t overpower your taste buds. However, I was in search of something more robust.




















Joe's Parkway located at 903 W. College St. Bozeman, MT

Joe's Parkway is located at 903 W. College St.

I decided to try Heeb’s Grocery near East Main. Like Joe’s Parkway, Heeb’s is a locally owned grocery store that stands out from the usual chains. I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by a sign that read “Montana Craft Beers” as I turned towards the coolers. I quickened my pace.


Two coolers contain the advertised “Montana Craft Beers”, but they are only four-packs and higher.


Where are the singles?



























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From the label to the glass, Elevator Imperial IPA is a craft beer with a rustic edge.

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